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Movie Roleplay-the Official Mission Blog - Mission #52
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Mission #52- Fall Drive 🍂

One excellent fall morning, Rudy was itching to go on a fall drive to view the fall foliage. He persuaded some of the others that they could stop at Nelson's Farm Diary (a fictional dairy barn) during the drive. Surprisingly, Rudy gathered up a lot of unexpected candidates--like Marty, who was skeptical about the trip until Nelson's got mentioned. The group included Rudy, Padme, Cosette, Rose, Luna, Harry, Johanna, Fred, George, Valentine, Vera, Bilbo, Ron, Hermione, and Marty. The group entered the bus and drove down a country road. While waiting for the bus to warm up, Hermione offered everyone butterbeers. While driving, most of the team realized how gross the bus really was, which meant Rudy had been slacking off on cleaning it, an even worse, had drove some kids around in it (not to gross you/the reader out or anything, but there was kid grime/slobber on the windows and stuff). The bus finally pulled into Nelson's, and everyone decided it was time to get some ice cream. Luna saw the hayride cart turning the corner, and decided that taking a hayride would be pretty fun. As they walked to the tractor, an old (and fat) guy boarded, and Vera was worried the tractor wouldn't hold up--besides, it looked pretty old anyways. Post boarding, the fat guy was really slowing the tractor down, and their were a few close calls of it falling down. Finally, the tractor, defeated, let out a creaking noise and broke down. While mostly everyone was able to jump out in the nick of time, Fred and George decided to jinx the fat guy. The jinx bounced off of the fat guy's fat, hitting Johanna in the face, and sending her about 20 or so yards away. Unfortunately, Johanna landed herself in some cow poop. Everyone had had enough, so they hit the road. After driving around for awhile, the passengers began to get a little suspicious. Where was Rudy going exactly? Rudy admitted he was lost, and they decided to camp out at an abandoned barn at the side of the road to rest and come up with a plan. After entering, the team was quite shocked to see some people there- Ferris and Cherry, who became new team members. Ferris explained that a mystery guy had persuaded him and Cherry to get in the barn and locked them in. Soon after, The doors mysteriously locked, and there was no way out. Awhile later, a fight broke out between Marty and Rudy. Marty accused Rudy of scaring everyone else after a few eerie cow moos had been heard earlier. Hermione broke up the fight, telling them that it wasn't okay in the midst of the situation. Rudy was dragged away by Fred and George. Meanwhile, outside, Noah was stalking the barn, recording device in hand. He went to the door, opened it up, and came face to face with the team. Unexpectedly, Noah was pretty fearful and ran back to Justin's Lamborghini, which was parked in the field. This was the perfect escape- Ferris lead the others to the bus. There was only one problem- the bus was low on gas, and the Lamborghini could come for them at any moment. Cherry suggested that they crash the Lamborghini, and Rudy came up with a perfect solution- the twins' gadgets. Luckily, Fred and George had some oil-filled chocolate bars. Teaming up with Ferris, the twins approached the Lamborghini and offered Noah and the rest a chocolate bar. Noah greedily gave in and ate it, only to taste oil. Hermione remembered that they could've Apparated at any time, so they did just that, arriving safe and sound at the house.

Pic 1: The abandoned barn
Pic 2: Nelson's Farm Dairy

Quote Time
Quotes from this fall mission
"It is a nice day, and what better way to spend it than on a Sunday drive through the country?" -Bilbo

"It's just like being in New England." -Rose

"I don't understand why we just didn't get one of those Greyhound buses. At least the heat works and there aren't any boogers on the window." -Vera

"Ode to school buses...that would be a great song to write." -Marty

"UGH!!! KID GRIME!!!" -Johanna

"Hold up under that pressure?! Vera, that guy's butt alone would crush the tractor!" -Johanna

"That's my last hayride EVER." -Valentine

"Yes, I'm lost. And I'm not going to be able to make it back home tonight, so we may just have to stop at the side of the road." -Rudy

"Well well well. Looks like we've got ourselves a caravan in here." -Cherry

"Yeah. We can handle anything if we can handle this freezing barn." -Ferris

"Well, the place is haunted I guess." -Vera

"How the bloody are we supposed to get out of here?!" -Ron

"I can be tough when I want to." -Rudy


"Just drop me off in this corner so I can think and mope." -Rudy

"Actually, we do have a special gadget handy!" -Fred

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Movie Roleplay-the Official Mission Blog - Mission #52 (Cinema, tv - Others)    -    Author : Paige - USA

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