Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction
Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker
The many faces of Doctor Who
First Doctor-William Hartnell
The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing
Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton
Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker
The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson
The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker
The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy
The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann
The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston
The tenth Doctor-David Tennant
The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith
Companions- part 1
Companions-part 2
Companions-part 3
Companions-part 4
Companions-part 5
Aliens and Monsters
Same aliens, different faces.

Colin Baker
Baker's first full episode
was in the Twin Dilemma

Twin geniuses are kidnapped from earth to work on a mathematical formula that would allow a giant race of gastropods, lead by their leader Mestor, to take over the planet of Jaconda.
Mestor plans to spread the eggs of his people throughout the galaxy by causing a huge explosion.

The Doctor regenerating in
Time And The Rani

In this episode, the Doctor is forced to regenerate after being forceably snatched out of time. The TARDIS lands on the planet Lakertya,brought there by the Rani, a renegade Time Lord who imprisons him in her stronghold.,

| The many faces of Doctor Who | First Doctor-William Hartnell | The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing | Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton | Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee | Fourth Doctor Tom Baker | The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson | The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker | The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy | The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann | The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston | The tenth Doctor-David Tennant | The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith | Companions- part 1 | Companions-part 2 | Companions-part 3 | Companions-part 4 | Companions-part 5 | Aliens and Monsters | Same aliens, different faces. |

Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker (Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction)    -    Author : Caleb - Great Britain

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Last update : 2011-07-29 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #17345

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