Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction
Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson
The many faces of Doctor Who
First Doctor-William Hartnell
The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing
Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton
Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker
The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson
The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker
The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy
The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann
The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston
The tenth Doctor-David Tennant
The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith
Companions- part 1
Companions-part 2
Companions-part 3
Companions-part 4
Companions-part 5
Aliens and Monsters
Same aliens, different faces.

Peter Davidson

After having defeated the Master in Logopolis from holding the universe to random, the Doctor finds that his regeneration is failing. One of his assistants, Adric is missing, so it's left up to the other two companions, Tegan and Nyssa, to steer the TARDIS towards the city of Castrovalva, which is well known for it's healing qualities. And though the city looks like paradise, there is evil present

The fifth Doctor regenerates in
The Caves Of Androzani

Arriving on what looks like a deserted planet, the Doctor and companion Peri soon find themselves caught up in a underground war that has been going on for years.
Killer androids block the caves and a lethal creature waits in the darkness killing all that come across it's path. It seems that everyone is after a toxic chemical called spectrox. When this gas is released, the Doctor and Peri are contaminated but there is only a small dose of the antidote left.
The Doctor sacrifices his life so that Peri can live and in doing so starts his sixth regeneration.

| The many faces of Doctor Who | First Doctor-William Hartnell | The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing | Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton | Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee | Fourth Doctor Tom Baker | The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson | The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker | The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy | The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann | The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston | The tenth Doctor-David Tennant | The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith | Companions- part 1 | Companions-part 2 | Companions-part 3 | Companions-part 4 | Companions-part 5 | Aliens and Monsters | Same aliens, different faces. |

Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson (Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction)    -    Author : Caleb - Great Britain

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