Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction
Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - First Doctor-William Hartnell
The many faces of Doctor Who
First Doctor-William Hartnell
The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing
Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton
Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker
The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson
The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker
The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy
The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann
The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston
The tenth Doctor-David Tennant
The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith
Companions- part 1
Companions-part 2
Companions-part 3
Companions-part 4
Companions-part 5
Aliens and Monsters
Same aliens, different faces.

William Hartnell
In this picture are Ian Chesterton,
Barbara wright, Susan Foreman and
the Doctor.

William Hartnell played the first doctor from 1963-1966. The first episode that he appeared in was 'An unearthly child,' Which is where we first meet his grandaughter, Susan Foreman.
At school, Susan's teachers, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright appear curious as to her vast knowledge about the past as well as the future and one day follow her home.
All they find however, is an old junkyard in which stands a police telephone box. Eventually they meet an old man who introduces himself as Susan's grandfather (the Doctor) and the two become unwilling companions as the adventure begins.
In this episode they are transported back to the stone age, where they encounter prehistoric cavemen.

The first regeneration
Hartnell's last episode was in 'The Tenth Planet'.

The Tardis has landed in 1986, where the earth is being invaded by Cybermen. Their own world, Mondas, is twin to our own planet and it is slowly draining all the energy away from earth.
The Cybermen's plan is to take the humans back to Mondas and to convert them into more Cybermen but the humans fight back and eventually Mondas disintergrates and the Cybermen die.
The battle leaves the Doctor feeling weak and he hurries back to the Tardis, where he collaspes and begins to regenerate.

| The many faces of Doctor Who | First Doctor-William Hartnell | The 1st movie Doctor-Peter Cushing | Second Doctor-Patrick Troughton | Third Doctor-Jon Pertwee | Fourth Doctor Tom Baker | The fifth Doctor-Peter Davidson | The sixth Doctor-Colin Baker | The seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy | The eighth Doctor-Paul Mcgann | The ninth Doctor-Christopher Eccleston | The tenth Doctor-David Tennant | The eleventh Doctor-Matt Smith | Companions- part 1 | Companions-part 2 | Companions-part 3 | Companions-part 4 | Companions-part 5 | Aliens and Monsters | Same aliens, different faces. |

Doctor Who- everything to do with the Doctor - First Doctor-William Hartnell (Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction)    -    Author : Caleb - Great Britain

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