Full Circle
Featuring:The Fourth Doctor,Romana K9 and Adric
Foe:the Marshmen
Set on Alzarius
The TimeLords have decided that they want Romana to return to her home planet Galifrey.
The Doctor sets the Co-ordinates and dematerialises.But something goes wrong when they are sucked into a CVE and K9 loses control of the TARDIS.
The TARDIS has entered E-space and the Co-ordinates for Galifrey in E-Space takes them to Alzarius.
A young boy named Adric decides that he wants to be an outsider wich is the name for rebels on Alzarius.All Alzarians aim to reach The Planet Terradon and that is also the Aim for all Alzarians.
The Three time travellers decide to investigate Alzarius and separate. The Doctors visits the Forests and him and K9 witness dozens of Marshmen rise from the Alzariun marsh.
Wile Romana goes back to the TARDIS when Adric arrives a group of outsiders invade the TARDIS and claim to have taken over.The Time Lady dematerialises to end up in the main room of the Alzarian Citadel where the encounter a Marsh Spider who tries to attack.She defends herself with a Marsh Fruit but it splits open and another Marsh Spider emerges.
Suddenly she is covered in spiders and left unconscious on the ground.
Meanwhile K9 and the Doctor split up and the Doctor is Welcomed in the citadel where a scientist if found experimenting on a marshman.
Romana is now becoming a Marshmen and lets in the Marshmen.K9 can do nothing as a Marshman approches a slices of his head with it's hand in one split second.
The Rebels and the inhabitants and Adric now have to save their planet From the Marshmen.
With the Doctors Help and encouragement the Marshmen travel back to the swamps and the Terradon ship leaves.
But With Adric's Comfirmation of his stay K9 reports that the are stuck in E-space |
State Of Decay
Featuring:The Fourth Doctor,Adric,Romana and K9
Foe:The Vampires
Set on a planet in E-Space
The Four Time travellers continue their search to find the exit to E-space and end up on a mysterious planet with no name.
The inhabitants seem to know every single person on the planet so it comes as a suprise to them as four strangers arrive one a robot dog.
The Doctor and Romana visit the tower where the vampires have been living.
Adric and K9 also have the same idea.
When the Two Time lords reach the Tower Aukon one of the vampires welcomes them in his domain.
Adric arrives and K9 goes with the doctor but the Vampires only have one thing on their mind,blood.
Zargo chases Adric and Camilla corners Romana Adric is taken away and his transformation begins...
Meanwhile,The Doctor and a bunch of natives work together to find out what powerful force is behind this.
The Doctor is to late,Adric is saved but the Greatest Vampire has awoken from his sleep and is ready to conquer... |
Warriors Gate
Featuring:The Fourth Doctor,Romana,K9 and Adric
Foe:Slave traders,Gundan Robots
3/3 The way of E-Space
The TARDIS takes the travellers to a void between the two universes E-Space and N-Space.The crew of ship trying to escape E-Space captures Romana and takes her to the ship.
The crew have been using Creatures called Tharils to pilot their way around as they are time sensitive beings.
The Doctor decides to visit the Mysterious gate that stands in the middle of the void and it appears to be a huge dining room with empty plates and Non functioning Gundan Robots scattered around the room.
While facsinated in a mirror a gundan robot lifts its axe and prepares to kill the Doctor.The Doctor is told that "All the gateways are one" By the robot
The slave traders use Romana and straps her to a machine.Like The Tharils She is now becoming a Navigator.
A Injured tharil walks towards her and Romana screams but the Tharil helps her and sets her free.
The Doctor is caught by the slave traders but he can somehow walk through the mirror.
It takes him to the same dining room where Tharils eat and the Gundan robots storm through.The Doctor helps the Tharils get their freedom but it means that The Gate and the ship will have to be destroyed Romana decides to stay and help the Tharils and The Doctor gives her K9 as a gift.
The TARDIS dematerialises withe only Adric and The Doctor left |