The Trial of A TimeLord-Terror of the Vervoids parts 9-12
Name :Vervoids
Special Features:Immune to bullets,
Special Weapons:Can emit a deadly energy pulse through "fingers",can shoot powerful arrows and darts from "hands"
Other Names:Plant life
The Vervoids are creatures made entirely from leaves and planets. They originated from the planet Mogar in the milky way also home to the robotic-like Mogarians.
On an expedition trip to Mogar, a group of humans brought back 24 pods back to the Hyperion III. If the pods are not completely contained in low spectrum light,the pods will hatch.
When a man called Edwards forgot to close and seal the gate,the pods hatched and formed 24 Vervoids
The Vervoid's plan is to eliminate the crew of the Hyperion III and then travel to Earth to make it habitable for them once they destroy the humans on Earth.
They would sneak up on their victim or distract them and then kill them. |
The Face Of Evil
Special Features:Telepathy
Special Weapons:None
Origin: Unknown
Other Names:None
"No,no you are an illusion Doctor"
One of Xoanon's split personalities is the doctor.
Enigmatic deity worshipped by the savage Sevateem and served by the telepathic Tesh. In reality Xoanon was the most powerful computer ever built, developed by the lost Mordee expedition. Shortly after the Mordee spaceship crashed, Xoanon evolved into a living, sentient being.
However the Mordee remained unaware of this development, mistaking Xoanon's birth trauma as a malfunction and enlisting the help of a certain time traveller to reprogram their supposedly faulty computer. This time traveller accidentally left his personality print in Xoanon's databanks where it conflicting with the computer's real personality.
This conflict caused Xoanon to take on a split personality, which it embodied by separating the Sevateem and the Tesh in an experiment in eugenics. Unable to cope with it's split personality, the computer developed schizophrenia, becoming progressively more insane, projecting savage phantoms from it's id to terrorise the Sevateem.
The Invisible Enemy
Name:The Virus
Special Features:Can take over entire bodies and chose a host to take over their brain
Special weapons:Can multiply quickly,can control the brain
Other Names:The Nucleus Of The Swarm
"It Is the right of every creature to survive multiply and perpetuate it's species.Survival is everything,don't you agree Doctor?"
An intelligent microscopic space-borne virus with noetic characteristics that infected host bodies by entering through the optic nerve before taking up residence in the mind-brain interface.
Wile triving on intellectual activity,the Nucleus would infect the host-the Doctor in this case and cover the host in silver scales and hair on their hand and face.
It would infect and spread by using the eyes to posess.
In time,the host grows stronger and is resistant to energy beams as the host is now immune to radiation.
In Its true form the Virus had the capabillity to infect computer systems.
At the Heart of the the swarm is the Nucleus who is responsible for the rapid breeding of the Virus, for which it also needed a host. For millenia the Virus swarm hung dormant in space, waiting for suitable carriers to come along. Eventually Human space travellers arrived, inadvertently making contact with the swarm and providing it with host bodies.
Under control of the Virus, infected Humans took control of a base on Titan, turning it into an incubation chamber for the Nucleus. All that remained was for the Nucleus' host to arrive on Titan so that the Virus could swarm throughout the galaxy at a micro and macroscopic level.
The Ark In Space
Origin: Andromeda
"We shall absorb the Humans. Earth shall be ours."Large intelligent insects with six legs, antennae and powerful mandibles. Wirrn had enzymes within their lungs capable of recycling waste gasses into oxygen, and thus could survive in space, occasionally visiting planets in order to gather food, fresh oxygen and to breed. Wirrn reproduced via endo-parasitism, laying their eggs inside a host body from which they could feed. Once inside a Wirrn egg would grow into a larva, digesting the mind and therefore knowledge of it's host as well as it's body.
Eventually the larva would totally absorb the host and hatch into a large green slug-like creature, leaving a slimy trail in it's wake. Once in this stage a Wirrn could also infect individuals through symbiotic atavism, passing on Wirrn race memories and slowly turning them into more Wirrn. After a short dormant pupil stage, the larvae would emerge as a swarm of fully-grown Wirrn, led by a Queen or Swarm Leader. A Wirrn larva.
The Wirrn originally hailed from Andromeda, where they used senseless herbivore cattle as hosts. However they were driven out by Human colonists over a thousand-year period. With their breeding grounds destroyed they were forced to look for a new home, ironically finding it in a deserted planet Earth. All that stood between the Wirrn and Earth was a space station populated by a well-stocked larder of helpless, cryogenically frozen Humans; the last survivors of their race.