Hobbies - Art
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About me

“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
¯ Erich Fromm
Hello world!

You are entering a space for creatifity and I`m so happy you found your way here!

Hey, I`m Stella, 15, from Germany with a favour for arts & crafts, books, and the beautiful Little things in life!
I wanted to have a blog since...uh...wait...3 years? I tried it like 4 times but there where always Computer Problems coming up and the site disappeared...
So I`m glad to find this nice and easy site to follow my dream!

I also have a blog about my travel to Paris (english)


And a blog about a Art Project in my hometown (german)


I`m looking Forward to build this blog up!
Happy 2016 to all of you!

have a nice day:)

I`m sure you heard about it. It`s like a trend at the Moment. Also called DIY.

For me it`s not going on the Internet to print ready instuctions, buy the stuff, and just follow them step by step.

For me it`s to make someting new out of the things you have, to reuse, having new ideas and also making the world around you Special, different and prettier! Have an open mind and create! Be mindfull! Trust me, you already have a lot of stuff around you, you can work with.

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creative core - Home (Hobbies - Art)    -    Author : Stella - Germany

2124 visitors since 2015-11-05
Last update : 2021-11-15

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