Hobbies - Art
creative core - Material
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As I already said, you can find a lot of stuff in your daily life when you`re just mindfull and creative.
But here are some suggestions what i`ve found and used the last years.

Old Newpapers/ Old books

I`m sure it`s not new to you. Yes. Old Papers are great for a lot of ideas. Not only for laying under, so nothing gets dirty. Also for (exampels): boxes, Notebook design, Bobby Pins holder, cutting out letters for writing...
Make sure they are clean, smell good and don`t contain horrible articels, who wants a box, made out of a article about a plane Crash or war?

Pistachios Shells

what? Yep, there perfect for jewellery, mosaics, box design...
Eat the pistachios, clean, wash them carefully with soap, dry them with tissues and collect them in a closen glass.
You can easily paint them with arcyl Color and put clear lacquer over it!


I love the theme: Maritim. So i made a glued a lot of Shells very Close together on a carton and put it into a Picture Frame, it Looks perfect, it`s on my wall now and i love it.
Make sure they`re clean, empty and complete.
So, the next time you`re at the beach,don`t Forget to collect them!


My dad loves ordering stuff on the Internet, so we get a lot of packages. But thatīs awesome, `cause it`s a lot of carton for me! Carton is the perfect base for a lot of things, so don`t just throw them away!

(old) magazines

As soon as my mom finish her Magazine, i grap it and take it to my room...i love looking through, finding beautiful Pictures and cut them out. I have a collection of those Pictures and you can glue them on Notebooks, make collages...

Ink Cartridges

Yes. If you use a fountain pen you have a lot of ink catridges, donīt throw them away! Trust me, you can make beautiful necklaces and bracelets out of it! They should be really empty, better check it twice!

Masking Tape

That`s the only Thing you have to buy, but i love them. You can decorate you many things with it! Where to get them? Maybe you know Tchibo, Hema, Depot ?

more follows soon:)

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creative core - Material (Hobbies - Art)    -    Author : Stella - Germany

2146 visitors since 2015-11-05
Last update : 2021-11-15

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