Animals - Dogs, Cats
Lily's Puppy World - Home

Welcome to My Puppy World!

Hi, my name's Lily. I'm an eight-week-old terrier cross and I live with my owner Lauren in Northampton, England. I was the runt of the litter (which means I was small and weak when I was born) but now I'm ready to tackle anything, even my favourite toy, weasel ball! Despite having such a girly name, I really am a furry ball of tomboy trouble! My fave thing to do is roll around in the mud and then hide in the laundry basket! My fave food is bacon! Yum!
I've wanted a website ever since I learnt what they are, so here's my first attempt! I've got a blog, a forum, a guest book, a vsitor survey and a page where you can learn more about me and my friends. Hope you enjoy!

Dogzer: free online game, Breed a virtual dog

Emoticons, cursors and pics

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Welcome to my new (and first) website! Click here for more graphics and gifs! It may not seem like much, but soon everyone will have heard of it! Well, next door and Lauren's brother....
Have a Happy Howloween!
I'd love it if you emailed me - I don't bite! (Unless of course you're a rag pull!)
I'll chat with you if you really want, but please, no bad language, abuse, etc. I don't stand for it! That goes for on the forum, the guest book, and emailing me in general. Here's my email:

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Lily's Puppy World - Home (Animals - Dogs, Cats)    -    Author : Lily the puppy - Great Britain

4167 visitors since 2012-10-29
Last update : 2012-11-01 >> Animals >> Blog #21843

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