Daily life - About me & friends
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The Life of Via - Home

Hi Everyone,
I'm new here, and my name is Via. I'm going to blog about everything including school, politics, recipes, clothing and everything else under the sun.
I learn Italian and French, and I would love to learn Mandarin Chinese. I'm 5'4" and I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. I have two little brothers.
When I grow up, I'd like to be a doctor, and my best friend and I would travel the world helping people in third world countries. But right now, I want to just live the best life possible.
I am going to have a weekly top 5 songs list, so please suggest in the guest book. Warning: No 1D!!!!!
After I work out how to insert another column, I will have a recipe/fashion column.
I will also post homework help ideas.
Bye for now,
Via : D

For those of you who don't read the forum, I am deleting the TLOV in 2 days.
So goodbye and thanks for reading :D

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The Life of Via - a blog about everything - The Life of Via - Home (Daily life - About me & friends)    -    Author : Via - Australia

2283 visitors since 2015-09-23
Last update : 2016-01-27

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