Music - Others
The Jonas Brothers rock!!! - Pics and trivia

The Jonas Brothers

Trivia on the Jo Bros

His favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.

His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt. who both star in Jack and Bobby.

He has type 1 diabetes (diaganosed in 2005 while on tour.).

He uses an OmniPod for his Type 1 diabetes.

Is a fan of Stevie Wonder.

Started on Broadway and once missed a family vacation to be in a play.

Was doing a solo project until his agent discovered his brothers (Kevin and Joe) had talent also.

Got discovered singing, while getting his haircut.

His favorite science subject is geology.

His favorite school subject is spelling.

His favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

His favorite band is Fall Out Boy.

Had a dog named Cocco.

His favorite song to play in concert is Year 3000.


Before becoming a musician he wanted to be a comedian.

Enjoys running.

Favorite drink orange Gatorade.

Favorite Actress: Natalie Portman.

Favorite Band: Copeland and Switchfoot.

Favorite Actor: Jim Carey.

Along with his two brothers Kevin and Nicholas, he performed at their church. They had been part of the church choir.

Became home-schooled in 7th grade

Collected G.I. Joe action figures and pens as a child.

His favorite movie is School For Scoundrels.

His favorite school subject is math.

His favorite author is Dr. Seuss.

His favorite holiday is Valentine's Day.

His favorite book is A Wrinkle In Time.

His favorite singer is Johnny Lang.

Owns 5 guitars.

Favorite board game is Monopoly.

Is a big fan of the High School Musical movies

His favorite school subjects were Latin and history.

His favorite holiday is Christmas.

His favorite actor is James Dean.

His favorite singer is John Mayer.

His favorite actresses are Rachel Mcadams and Hayden Panettiere.

His favorite hobby is bowling.

Favorite game is monopoly.

they look soo cute

| the jonas brothers | Pics and trivia | Jonas Quotes | pics of Nick, Kevin, Joe | lyrics | Nick and his disbetes |

The Jonas Brothers rock!!! - Pics and trivia (Music - Others)    -    Author : Samantha - USA

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Last update : 2011-07-30 >> Music >> Blog #7143

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