Animals - Dogs, Cats
Midnight Wolves - Welcome
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Midnight Wolves is currently trying to make new RPRs as the supplyer allows advertisements on the chat boxes that could be scams. Midnight Wolves promotes online safety.


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Midnight Wolves

Welcome to Midnight Wolves, the only totally free text based Role Play Game for kids! It is free, fun and safe, and no email or personal information is required. Simply read the rules and other information on the What Is Midnight Wolves page and choose a Role Play Room: either Warriors (based on the award winning feral cat books by Erin Hunter), Midnight (wolves), Hunters (dogs living wild) and Seekers (black/grizzly bears). So, create a character, get into their mind, and enter a marvelous virtual world of your own!


~Lauren, site owner
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Midnight Wolves Xtra gives you the power to chat to other Xtra members, create more than one character per RPR, and get emailed the Xtra Newz once a month! To join, go to the Guest Book page and enter your name, email adress and other information in the boxes provided. In the Message box put which Xtra features you want enabled and the site owner will add you to the Xtra Members.

| Welcome | What Is Midnight Wolves | Midnight | Hunters | Warriors | Seekers | Fun Stuff | Xtra |

Midnight Wolves - Welcome (Animals - Dogs, Cats)    -    Author : Lauren - Great Britain

8329 visitors since 2013-05-02
Last update : 2021-11-15 >> Animals >> Blog #22847

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