Pole Mallakhamb
A vertical wooden pole is fixed in the ground.
The wood used is usually teakwood or sheeshum, preferred because of its
twin characteristics of toughness and smoothness.
The pole stands 225 cm above ground level.
It has a circumference of 55 cm at its lower end, 45 cm in the middle,
and 30 cm at the upper end.
The height of the neck is 20 cm, and its circumference is 15 cm,
and radius of the upper knobe is 13 cm.
The pole mallakhamb form involves grappling movements executed on
a smooth oiled teak pole which is fixed to the ground.
The pole is tapered from roughly the size of a wrestler’s thigh at the bottom to the
size of a forearm at the top, with a narrower high neck above that.
At the very top of the neck is a rounded knob the size of
a clenched first and the shape of the apparatus is in fact very phallic.
The pole itself is very heavy and weighted with a heavy metal base with outriggers
for stability. It is stable enough to support group pyramid formations.
The oiling of the wood gives the pole a smooth surface which reduces changing
on the body and allows the body to follow smoothly around the apparatus.