Lernu Esperanton en la reto!Learn Esperanto at the internet
If you want to start learning Esperanto, you should first know the basics of the language. How does it work?
Class | Ends with |
Nouns | -o |
Adj. | -a |
Verbs* | -i |
Adverbs** | -e |
* Whole verb, example: to go = iri
** Most Adverbs end with -e, not all of them.
§1, Nouns
Nouns are things you can use the words the, a or an for. For example:
A car
The bird
An example
In Esperanto, they all end with the letter O. But Esperanto doesn't know the words a and an. You just don't use them. There is a word for the, it is called la.
a boy/boy: knabo
the boy: la knabo
a year: jaro
the year: la jaro
How to make them plural? Just put a J behind it!
boys: knaboj
the boys: la knaboj
years: jaroj
the years: la jaroj
If a noun is the object in a sentence, it gets an extra N. I will make some sentences to show you how it works.
I have a dog.
What do I (subject) have? Answer: a dog
In Esperanto:
I = mi
to have = havi
a dog = hundo
Mi havas* hundon.
* verbs will be learnt later.
§2, Adjectives and §3, Verbs will come soon! |