Society - Others
Esperanto - Introduction
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Hello all! Esperanto is something that most people never heard of. I'm going to introduce it to you!

General info
A language
In 1887
Who made it?
L.L. Zamenhof
Additional information

The easiest language
in the whole world.
Around 2 million speakers,
some are native speakers.
This language is made
for international communication.
Everyone is able to learn it.

Website info

At this website you can learn the language Esperanto as simple as possible. I will learn you the basics. There are several ways to say something, for example direction. You can say: "al la urbo" (to the city) or "la urbon" (to the city). I will learn you the basic way to say things, for an overview of more ways based on paragraphs, please visit the forums and request your overview there.

| Introduction | Learn! §1-3 |

Esperanto - Introduction (Society - Others)    -    Author : Dennis - Netherlands

2138 visitors since 2012-01-03
Last update : 2012-01-03 >> Society >> Blog #19617

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