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doroff - Page 1
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DOROTH-BEE.D2000-LEZO-LEZ BAWO-MADA DANGBANGA-IGOR Alias DOROTH-BEE.D2000 (dorof.bi.di.2000) - LEZO-LEZ, born on January 04, 1989 in Bégoua (Bangui) RCA (Central African Republic) son of GBIAFOMON-Dorothée and KOUMBATA-DieudonnéDOROTH-BEE. D2000 in memory of her mother GBIAFOMON - DOROTHEE, he took the surname of his mother DOROTHEE and brought his late 2000 anagram is that he lost it in 2000 and her grandmother LEZONGO Lezo-LEZ. Which he would cease to cry, in his writings is its absence is the engine of his creations, because he lost it while he was at the seminar. He has not heard it three years or seen since he spent his holidays in guardian. His mother lived under the roof of his father. What stops paying him tears is that he has never seen his father and mother under one roof. Not a single day. Left for the priesthood at an early age, to the small Bangassou St. Louis came out once its patent en poche spent in free candidate fourth class. And is moving towards a Muslim school (bin Rashid al maktoum). "S" first it passes its A4 Bachelor ' as free candidate, and gets it this high school he started learning Arabic

, that he gave her taste, exit once he continued his Arabic races in a madrassa in the place. Bangui University draws him to the right, he enrolled there and stayed once admitted into second year. Perú simultaneously he enrolled in a private University (Haute Ecole management and accounting) or it makes accounting. In the second year, he gets donation DUT (diploma Universitaire de Technologie) in accounting. In third year he management management (NEW-TECH Institute science when it received honors, with the support of a friend to him a priest.) Since breakfast seminar music to start the move, he had founded an orchestra "Orchestra bamax" that animated the seminar weekends, and served as a comedy troupe, nobody saw what this young Igor today DOROTH-BEE.D2000

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doroff - Page 1 (Daily life - About me & friends)    -    Author : BANGAYA ACHILLE B.V - Central African Rep.

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Last update : 2011-08-11

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