Paises del Mundo - Turismo
Vacaciones en Roatan con Hillside Garden Cabins - About Roatan
Hillside Garden Cabins
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Roatan is the largest of the Bay Islands and is located approx 35 miles off the North Coast of Honduras.

Roatan is 32 miles long and varies in width from 1 to 3 miles across. The island is surrounded by nearly 70 miles of diverse living coral reef.


Roatan Today

Roatan is fast becoming a major destination for scuba diving and has developed rapidly in the last few years. There are now direct flights with a number of airlines in the United States and hotels and restaurants to suit all budgets. There are many ATM machines around the island, and internet access is readily available. As of 2005 the Roatan Marine Park has been working to protect this amazing place and largely with the help of local business, dive shops and divers, will continue to do so. Remember to stop by the local marine park office during your stay on Roatan.


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Vacaciones en Roatan con Hillside Garden Cabins - About Roatan (Paises del Mundo - Turismo)    -    Autor : jennifer - Honduras

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