Daily life - Education
Xcell - Our Director and Main Lecturer
Our Director and Main Lecturer
Learn Biblical GREEK
Kill stress before it kills you

Our Director and Main lecturer Doctor Stanley Winter Theron has studied languages since being a teenager. He has studied in various countries and continents, has five earned university degrees and many diploma's and certificates on university or post-grad. levels. He has a reading, writing or speaking knowledge of more than 12 languages and now learning a few more.

Since 1985 he has specialised in better learning methods for language and mathematics and written curriculum for more than one tertiary institute.

He has also studied STRESS-ALLEVIATION as applied to general, learning and teaching.

He has developed the A.L.P.S method of language learning that has been successfully tested among people from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands.

This method has proved successful in teaching classical as well as languages in Africa and Europe. He is interested in adapting it to learning Asian languages - that has yet to be!

He is looking for co-workers and students from South America and Asia. Contact hom directly: esoleasy @ gmail.com (type without spacing!!)

See his special Training Course on STRESS ALLEVIATION or write for free information

| LEARN ENGLISH EASILY | Our Director and Main Lecturer | Learn Biblical GREEK | TWEE-TALIGE AFR- ENG ALPs | Kill stress before it kills you |

Xcell - Our Director and Main Lecturer (Daily life - Education)    -    Author : Doc Stan - New Zealand

5874 visitors since 2010-03-10
Last update : 2019-03-19

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