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Pro-Ana: A Dark Side of the Internet - Types of communities
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Pro-recovery Support Networks

Below are some examples of content found on an Eating Disorder support network website

'It's a lifestyle'

Below are some comments found on a more extreme pro-ana site that doesn't promote recovery and claims that anorexia is a pure and glorious lifestyle choice. These comments were on a post listing 'The Thin Commandments', a long list of strict rules that one must comply with in order to be a 'real Ana'. Many of its users hold the belief that they do not possess an illness, but strength and self-control. In their eyes, anorexia is not about self-destruction but self-improvement.

This is an excerpt from a warning message on the home page of a pro-ana website:

'This is a gathering point for sentient individuals who are working to cause changes to occur in body in conformity to will. There are no victims here. This is not a place for the faint-hearted, weak, hysterical, or those looking to be rescued. This is not a place for those who bow to consensus definitions of reality or who believe in the cancerous fallacy that there is any other authority on earth besides their own incontrovertibly self-evident, inherent birthright to govern themselves. This is a place for the elite who, through personal success in their ongoing quest for perfection, demonstrate daily the power and results of applying will, imagination, creativity and effort toward meeting their goals.'

| What is pro-ana? | What is thinspo? | Types of communities | Case studies | Societal Influence | Getting Help | Bibliography |

Pro-Ana: A Dark Side of the Internet - Types of communities (Society - People)    -    Author : Wumi - New Zealand

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