Animals - Mammals
The elephant - Habitat of the elephants
Introduction of the elephants
Alimentation of the elephants
Reproduction of the elephants
Habitat of the elephants
Characteristics of the elephants
African elephant
Asiatic elephant
Differences between asiatic and african elephant


Elephants are able to survive in various places and habitats due to the huge variety of food sources they consume. Many people assume that elephants that live in the wild only inhabit the prairies, although it is one of their main habitats, they can also be found in the desert, in the savanna, forest areas, marshes, and others.

Elephants Formigration paths that continue year after year, this allows them to take advantage of the variety of foods that grow in the various areas.

Nowadays most of the elephants that remain in Africa live in national parks, they are created areas to help give them the space they need to survive, in these habitats, the elephants are well protected, however, this can be stressful for them. elephants who love having the ability to roam freely, they also like to play and bathe in water so they do not mind traveling long distances to find it.

One of the reasons why elephants have been able to survive for so long in nature has to do with their high level of intelligence, although they know the habitat of the natural elephants that they like to be in, they have the ability to Know when they have to move and adapt to new habitats, in order to continue surviving.

Elephants do not have other predators than humans, so when they move into new habitats all they have to worry about is finding an adequate supply of food. If you can find it, then you can probably thrive there.

One of the greatest threats to elephants in the wild is the continued destruction of their natural habitat, this gives them less room to move in order to find an adequate supply of food. They can consume more than 50 tons of food per day so they need a whole selection to choose from. When they are limited to certain places, they can completely eliminate the vegetation there, as a result, it will be difficult for it to grow back.

Because elephants can move freely, they can do a lot of good for the environment by clearing trees and plants in elephant habitat, so that new forms of vegetation can grow on the spot. It is because humans have cleaned their natural habitat, elephants are struggling to survive in their natural environment. Even with some existing conservation efforts in place, they remain in serious danger of losing their home.

African elephants live in tropical forests, meadows, river valleys, swamps and savannas. According to the subspecies of African elephant, the environment varies minimally in terms of the type of vegetation and fauna.He lives often at the west or the south of Africa.

The distribution of the asiatic elephant currently includes Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Sumatra, Borneo and India. We can also find some specimens in the south of the Himalayas and near the Yangtze River. They mainly inhabit scrub and open areas covered with low vegetation.

| Introduction of the elephants | Alimentation of the elephants | Reproduction of the elephants | Habitat of the elephants | Characteristics of the elephants | African elephant | Asiatic elephant | Differences between asiatic and african elephant |

The elephant - Habitat of the elephants (Animals - Mammals)    -    Author : Aina - Spain

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