Artisans - Clothing
The Daily Style Guide of Everything - Quick Trend Updates!
The Purest of Essentials: COLOR
Quick Trend Updates!

August 8, 2015

Snapbacks are really, 100%, out and guess what's moving in? Baseball caps! Not backward, not sideways, but good old-fashioned straight forward baseball caps! This is honestly great because we all really needed to move away from those horredous snapbacks. Well, the snapback itself wasn't horrendous, it was that ater it reached a certain height of popularity, it suddenly became too try-hard. This is a process that happnes with all trends and it was extremely evident with snapbacks, and to a higher degree as well. The only people who wear the now are try-hards or actual cool people who can rock them- and it's easy to tell which is which. OKAY, i went off on a tangent there, so no more about snapbacks. So anyways, baseball caps are cute and fun, and are for everyone! Sure, after a while they will fall out of fashion but why not enjoy it while it lasts?

Even better, these caps are pretty cheap. Buy a plain black one from walmart for like 3 bucks. You can probably find ones with cute designs or the text-message ones too online or at a store if you search it up.

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The Daily Style Guide of Everything - Quick Trend Updates! (Artisans - Clothing)    -    Author : Anjali - USA

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