Daily life - Education
Making studies in the U.K accessible to everyone ! - Study in the U.K.


Careful !!!
You must plan your first year of study a year in advance!
for example, if you want to start your course on October 2012, you must start going through the process during the summer 2011.
Before doing anything, be sure of your choice. Studying in the U.K. is an amazing experience… for those who are ready to work hard. Indeed, you will have to work twice much harder than anyone else to fill the gap. You must be ready to face adversity, if you encounter difficulties, you may have to face them by yourself.

Take the time to think it through. Discuss it with your parents, and with your teachers, ask them if they think you have the potential to study abroad. Be realistic, and when you think you are ready, burry your doubts away, be confident and start planning your trip.

| Study in the U.K. | Apply to University | Accomodation | Get ready to go! | Fresher's week |

Making studies in the U.K accessible to everyone ! - Study in the U.K. (Daily life - Education)    -    Author : Anais - France

5296 visitors since 2010-08-23
Last update : 2011-07-24

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