Sciences - Astronomy
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD - The 3rs star
the 1st star
the 2nd star
The 3rs star
the 4th star
He is BIG!

Are we getting a picture of how big God is?
The 3rd star is called Mu Cephei. Mu Cephei is even bigger.
Mu Cephei is so big you could fit 2.7 quadrillion earths inside of it.
2.7 quadrillion. How many is a quadrillion? Well, if a million has 6 zeros, and a billion has 9 zeros, and a trillion has 12 zeros, then a quadrillion has 15 zeros. Mu Cephei is so big you could put 2.7 quadrillion earths inside of it!!

| Title | the 1st star | the 2nd star | The 3rs star | the 4th star | He is BIG! |

HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD - The 3rs star (Sciences - Astronomy)    -    Author : Educ.Tech. - Philippines

5960 visitors since 2012-10-17
Last update : 2012-10-17 >> Sciences >> Blog #21772

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