Sciences - Others
Science Squad! International - Lieutenant and Leader

Season Challenge!!!
Lieutenant and Leader
Other Awesome Members
Our Motto
Our Current Missions

Members: Pinkie Pie Atoms, Discord, Sci Heart, Gracie the Funny, Sci Art, Melis Naz, Trent, and C02 Lily! I am posting pics of us, but sadly I can't get a picture of C02 Lily.

Age: Greater than 2000
Gender: Male
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Hobbies: Art, Chaos, Writing, Experimenting, Reading, Singing, Playing Instruments, Space Exploration, Obsessing over TRANSFORMERS
Favorite Color: Black & Purple
Dream Science Experiment: To create a life-size transforming robot that look like Bumblebee from TRANSFORMERS. Or create a new chemical with the same properties of Energon, and use it to fuel a car.
Pinkie Pie Atoms!

Age: 9
Gender: Female
Rank: Leader
Hobbies: Experimenting, Dancing, Singing, Programming, Reading
Favorite Color: Pink, all colors in the rainbow
Dream Science Experiment: Create a machine that will contain thousands of desserts that will scan someone's fingerprint and give them something with none of their allergies! I'm allergic to nuts so kinda obvious 🙄😄

| Welcome | Season Challenge!!! | Lieutenant and Leader | Other Awesome Members | Our Motto | Our Current Missions | Contributors |

Science Squad! International - Lieutenant and Leader (Sciences - Others)    -    Author : Eva Atoms (& Team!) - Puerto Rico

4162 visitors since 2016-10-04
Last update : 2017-02-10 >> Sciences >> Blog #29432

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