Countries of the World - Others
Club of Correspondence - Basics-Agenda, officers,mission statement


Meeting Agenda

Discuss Penpal Options
Give out blog address
Write and Send letters!

Club Officers

President: JR
Vice: JS
Tresurer: CS
Secretary: JF

Mission Statement

Write letters to people from other places in the world, gain a knowledge of something other than "Normal", create unity, meet new people, learn new things.

"All the plots of hell and commotions on earth have not so much as shaken God's hand to spoil one letter or line he has been drawing."
--William Gurnall


Paper(lined): Given Free from JR
Envelopes: about 5 cents, maybe 10
Stamps: You need 98 cents, and forever stamps are only worth 44 cents. (You can put more than one stamp on it to get the total amount.

Note: You can purchase any of these from me, for a profit of 2 cents. ($1 for postage)

Quote of the Week:

"The number one thing I am earnestly attracted to is intelligence. Writers are thus the pinnacle of intelligence. While actors are great and awesome, writers literally create new worlds from scratch. What is sexier than that? Personally, I don't know why every person out there isn't dating a writer."

--Rachel Bloom

| Basics-Agenda, officers,mission statement | Other Info- Meeting dates, contacts, news, other |

Club of Correspondence - Basics-Agenda, officers,mission statement (Countries of the World - Others)    -    Author : L'arc~En~Ciel - USA

3029 visitors since 2010-10-12
Last update : 2010-11-12 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #16165

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