Daily life - Others
Heidi, of the Alps. - ALL ABOUT HEIDI

Hello world!
This blog is about the cuuuttee little swiss girl, Heidi whose television series were shown on cartoon network few years back. If you have any sugessionns to improve my blog & to make it look attractive, then please free to contact me by email. I hope you will enjoy viewing my blog. Please take the visitor survey, so I can find out what others are thinking about my blog. Drop in a line at the forum & send your messages through the guest book. Thank you.
Heidi was written by Johanna Spyri. Here is some personal info on her.

Johanna Spyri (June 12, 1827-July 07 1901) was born in Hirzel, Switzerland. She was a short story writer & a novelist. She has contributed to both Children's & Adult's literature. Her first book, A Leaf on Vrony's Grave was published in 1971.
Heidi, girl of the Alps was also produded into a television series. The half hour 52 episodes were first aired on Cartoon Network. Keeping, the basic concept of Heidi in mind, a movie called Heidi's Song was also made.

She is sooooo cuuuuttteee!!!

Heidi with yuki

Heidi, Peter Clara & their dog.




Heidi, of the Alps. - ALL ABOUT HEIDI (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : have to find out - India

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Last update : 2008-10-02

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