Animals - Others
Midnight Wolves - Home

Hi, I'm Siahambe.
Welcome to Midnight Wolves. As I said before, I am Siahambe, Alpha male of a pack of wolves known as Thunderpack. I am 2 year old grey wolf, and not long ago I discovered this forest and set the challenge to join my pack. The roleplay is not here, but on a different website. Click here to go to it.
So far, there are only two packs - Thunderpack and Riverpack.

On this site there are descriptions of all the Midnight Wolves with pictures on the Pack pages. On the Map of The Forest page their is a map of the forest and the territories and places there. Also, there is a page about the animals living in and on the outskirts of the forest.

Latest News:

There is a new Apprentice in Riverpack - Twighlight

There is a fire in the forest!

Riversong wishes to join Thunderpack to be with his sister Chemukh.

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Midnight Wolves - Home (Animals - Others)    -    Author : Siahambe - Great Britain

5181 visitors since 2012-10-01
Last update : 2012-10-25 >> Animals >> Blog #21692

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