Hobbies - Video games
videogame's blog - Page 1
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Hi it's me michael.
Hi I am Michael and im reviewing the game: Call of Duty (cod) modern warfare 3 (MW3).

Call of duty MW3 is a action game about shooting people it has a singleplayer storyline which continue's where mw2 ended. It also has co-op and singleplayer spec ops missions, and a brand new survival mode. But most importantly is the multiplayer where you rank up by getting kills and capturing objectives. You can rank up until you reach level 80, then you can rank up your weapons or prestige to start all over again. You have different classes of weapons like snipers and assualt rifles. You can also unlock attachments like the red dot sight or the silencer.

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videogame's blog - Page 1 (Hobbies - Video games)    -    Author : michael - Netherlands

2334 visitors since 2012-08-30
Last update : 2012-09-06

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