Artisans - Arts and crafts
Art by Lorna Theresa Pottier - ART, Nature and ANIMALS
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For many years art has been expressed whether on rocks, in caves, on walls or at school. Although, many people are still unaware of the importance of art. Many people don't realise that without art; magazines, advertisements and news papers would be boring infact nothing would be attractive.

Art could be the solution to many problems people face all over the world. Just by taking a pen or pencil or even a crayon and scribbling, you are expressing your emotions on that page. Whether you sad, angry or annoyed, try writing a song, humming a tune, drawing a picture or sculpting a figure just to make ur mind be at peace and feel peace. Crime rate is extremely high and ways people can prevent the increase of crime could be by expressing their anger on a page and other art tools.

Art has many effects that are positive and that can change the world if exposed. Not many schools introduce art and therefore many don't practice art. If you havent tried any form of art I suggest you start now!

The Design Indaba exhibitions held each year gives young artists, like myself, the chance to expose my work to people from all over the world.

This site is filled with info and illustrations. If you are interested in purchasing some of my artwork or if you would like a portrait done, my contact details are found on the site. If you would like to share your views, feel free to contact me.

| ART, Nature and ANIMALS | The biography of the Author/Artist | Story behind the sketching of animals | Information and contact details. | My artwork |

Art by Lorna Theresa Pottier - ART, Nature and ANIMALS (Artisans - Arts and crafts)    -    Author : Lorna - South Africa

5287 visitors since 2012-03-23
Last update : 2021-11-15 >> Artisans >> Blog #20265

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