Hobbies - Others
fun stuff - how to make a table
how to make a desk
how to make a self
how to make a table

how to make a table tinnis table

what you need

6 1 meter rectangle plan wood

4 70 cm 3d rectange wood for the legs

2 1 meter 3d rectangle wood

step 1
put the 4 legs
standing up in
a squre

step 2
put the 2 1 meter
on 1 leg to the other
nail it

step 3
put the plan 1 meter
wood on top to cover
the top nail it

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fun stuff - how to make a table (Hobbies - Others)    -    Author : kyle - New Zealand

3623 visitors since 2011-05-28
Last update : 2011-08-09

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