Animals - Mammals
Animals galore!!! - My Profile!!!
My Profile!!!
Cute Animal Pics!!!
All About Koalas!!!

Hi and welcome to my blog:Animals Galore!!! Hope you enjoy it, please leave a comment in my guest book or forum to tell me what you think about it and what could be better. This is my first page: My Profile Hope you enjoy it, bye!!!

I thought these animals welcoming you and saying hello were really cute!!

This is really funny!

I know my title says Animals galore!!! But I think you should know a bit about me before you see the rest of my blog, so here goes.

Name: Jordan.
Age: 10
Gender: female.
Where I live: Manchester.
Pets: A dog, a cat and a fish.
Pet names: Cindy (dog), Bubbles (fish) and Barney (cat).
Best friend: Holly.
Favoutite animal: All animals.
Favourite colour: lilac.
Favourite meal: roast dinner.
Favourite chocolate: Cadbury.
Least favoutite food: Cheese.
Favourite T.V programme: Waterloo Road.
Favourite actor: Jonny Depp.
Favourite actress: Keira Knightly.
Favourite channel: Disney channnel.
Favourite subjects: art and english.
Class: 5.
Year: 5.
Do you play any instruments?: the piano.

I am such an angel! LOL

| My Profile!!! | Cute Animal Pics!!! | All About Koalas!!! |

Animals galore!!! - My Profile!!! (Animals - Mammals)    -    Author : Jordan - Great Britain

41172 visitors since 2008-09-01
Last update : 2011-07-30 >> Animals >> Blog #8803

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