Hobbies - Games
Pokemon - Main Page


Hello everybodeeee!!! Welcome to my blog!!

My name is Felita!! I am a girl who lovesss pokemon~ ;)

Everybodee who loves pokemon welcomeeee!!!

I have some information of pokemon!! If you wanna ask me about game pokemon emerald, leafgreen, silver, and sapphire(but not code cheat, okay?) you can ask meeee~~

E-Mail me~~ pii_felita@yahoo.co.id

If you wanna be my friend, it's okay!! I'd be love to have friends who loves pokemon, too!! I hope u are a girl about my ageee~~~

I hope you enjoy in my blog!!


Who don't know Pokemon yet? Above this, there is a pokemon called psyduck. If you wanna know the instruction,... I'll call prof. Oak then!!

Hi, prof!!

Prof. Oak :"Erm, erm! Hi, there! Welcome to the world of pokemon!!

In my World, POCKET MONSTERS or we better known as POKEMON, can be anywhere and everywhere...

In this world, man, kid, and another people live together with pokemon.

That is from me...

I hope U can become a great pokemon trainer."

That is it from prof. Oak...

Thank you Prof!!

Prof. Oak :"you're welcome"

So, now,... let's explore this pokemon world!! Go on! Explore my blog first!!

If you love pokemon and like to read, buy this book:
POKEMON ADVENTURES. For the information you can look at Pokemon Adventure in my blog or you can go to :


Another page I know to have fun with pokemon :






I hope you enjoy-eeee!!!!

Don't U think pikachu is cuteee~~~??

| Main Page | Hoenn, Johto, Kanto | Pokemon Adventures | Starter | Quiz |

Pokemon - Main Page (Hobbies - Games)    -    Author : Felita - Indonesia

17372 visitors since 2008-05-31
Last update : 2009-10-18

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