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Daniel Joiner's Charity Raising Foundation - Page 2: Joke Page!
Page 1: Welcome!
Page 2: Joke Page!
Page 4: Weekly Charities

Welcome to the Joke Page! Here, I will post some jokes, but (here is the good bit!) if you laugh, we will raise money! All you have to do is donate money to my weekly charity! Don't worry, I will update about which charity you need to donate to!
Every time you laugh, we earn 20p for charity!
Tuesday 30th October 2012

There will be 10 jokes in each post by the way!

1. A penguin called Pip, threw his watch in the air, ran down the hill, had a slice of pizza, did some shopping, went ice skating, threw snowballs, had a cup of coffee, and then came back and caught his watch. A crowd of penguins flocked around him and one of them said, 'How did you do that?' , and Pip said, 'My watch is one hour slow.'

2. What is black, white, and red all over? A blushing penguin.

3.What's a penguin's favourite time at school? Frost grade!

4.Why did the person sniffle and cry on February 29th? It was weep year.

5.What do people wear on their feet when they visit Holland? Wooden shoe like to know?

6. Where can a person wander around aimlessly? Rome.

7. Where is someone most likely to slip and fall? Greece!

8. Where do some people go to borrow money? Barce-loan-a!

9.Why don't you see many penguins in the UK? Because they're afraid of Wales.

10. Who do you call people who are floating in water? Bob.

To respond to this post, or if you have donated, please comment on the Guest Book on here.
Please do not donate yourself, please let me know, and I will total it up and send it to the charity.

See ya,

| Page 1: Welcome! | Page 2: Joke Page! | Page 4: Weekly Charities |

Daniel Joiner's Charity Raising Foundation - Page 2: Joke Page! (Society - People)    -    Author : Daniel - Great Britain

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