Hobbies - Others
Ballet Blog - Page 1- facts

Ballet Blog

Hey there!
Welcome to my site ballet blog, a site where you can learn more about ballet. From information to steps to dances.
I first got the idea for this when i was ten i was sat on students-of-the world when I noticed the "blogs" button. I clicked this and found i could make my own blog/website for free!
For my first blog (this one) i decided to do about ballet since i had recently started lessons.
If you love ballet then this site is perfect for you.
Ballet is the name given to a type of classical French dance which has been around for centuries.
Ballet, or so we call it today began around the year 1500.
When Cathrine de Medici of Italy married king Henry ii, she introduced the style of dance to the French.

In these days dancers wore long formal dresses and heeled shoes, very diffrent from the ones we may recognise today.
The dances consisted of little twirls, hops, glides and curtsies.

1. A single tutu can cost up to £1270 to make: that's around 2-4 times the average weekly wage of a normal British citizen!

2. That same tutu takes around 90 hours to make and 100 yards of materials.

3. An hour performance uses up roughly the same amount of energy as a 90 minute football game or running 10 miles.

4. A prima ballerina does up to 1680 minutes of dancing in a week, that's 4 hours a day!

5. Ballerinas use up to 3 pair of shoes a day as they get worn out from all of the turns durin the performances.

| Page 1- facts | Page 2- Fun stuff | Page 3-about the site | Other blogs by me |

Ballet Blog - Page 1- facts (Hobbies - Others)    -    Author : Ellie-Mae - Great Britain

2255 visitors since 2014-08-22
Last update : 2014-09-14

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