Countries of the World - Tourism
Vacations en Roatan with Hillside Garden Cabins - Travel to Roatan
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Travel to Roatan

Roatan is easily accessible from any major airport in the United States, Canada or Europe. There are daily flights from Houston, Miami, Atlanta, New Orleans and a few other cities in the continental USA to San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa on the mainland of Honduras. From either of those two cities you may fly to roatan within just a few hours. There are also direct flights three times a week with Delta, Atlantic Airlines and Continental to Roatan from a number of cities in the southern USA. Also check out West jet and Spirit Air for budget tickets. Roatan is also accessible through La Ceiba, on the mainland of Honduras, via a ferry service. Scroll down for airline and ferry information.


Honduran Airline Information

SOSA airlines provides flights from mainland Honduras to Roatan.

Tegucigalpa: 504-235-5107/229-0757
San Pedro Sula: 504-516-106
La Ceiba 504-443-1399/2519
Roatan: 504-445-1154


TACA airlines provides flights from mainland Honduras to Roatan.

Tegucigalpa: 504-232-0915/7585
San Pedro Sula: 504-558-1604/1636/1630
Roatan: 504-445-1387/1918


Ferry Information

Every day there are two ferry connections from La Ceiba to the Bay Islands.
Safeway's Galaxy takes care of this service. Departure times from La Ceiba to Roatan are 10:00AM and 4:00PM. From Roatan to La Ceiba, 7:00AM and 2:00PM.

Roatan 504-445-1795/5056


Getting to West End

Once you arrive at the ferry port or the airport you can easily catch a taxi to West End. There is a fixed price, at the moment it's $15 to $20 to West End from both the ferry and airport.


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Vacations en Roatan with Hillside Garden Cabins - Travel to Roatan (Countries of the World - Tourism)    -    Author : jennifer - Honduras

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Last update : 2014-05-31 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #10516

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