Cinema, tv - Romantic
What is Love?

What is LOVE? I don't know. I just know about friendship,which has a purpose.

We're penfriend, Rafia(13,Bangladesh) and Diego(15,Chile).We have just tried to highlight the importance of love.To us there is no difference in race, religion, caste, citizenship for love.We just tried to make it clear that everything is possible to love.

What is the difference between Love and Friendship? Both are almost same to me!
I wanted to make friendship with my first lover😅He was angry with me.


"But mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy"

Love is really unbearable,comfortable but Dangerous

Love in Airlines💖

What is Love? (Cinema, tv - Romantic)    -    Author : Rafia - Bangladesh

615 visitors since 2020-08-20
Last update : 2021-03-07 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #32469

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