by Apostle Wendy HIMFORD, 2012 General Elections CDP Port-Vila candidate
Master Degree of International Trade in France and USA State University of San Francisco
Ezechiel 22:27
“Her officers within her are like wolves who tear prey –
to shed blood, to destroy souls, for the sake of unjust gain.”
The bill of ratification of the INTERNATIONAL AGENCY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY (IRENA) statutes founded in 2009 is to be tabled at this first 2012 ordinary parliamentary session of April 2012 by Hon. Steven Kalsakau, minister for land, energy, water and natural resources of UMP for Change faction on Thursday 12th April. It was withdrawn after a first attempt in August 2011 by the Kilman-led government of Vanuatu upon the recommendation of Apostle Wendy Himford, President and founder of Christian Democratic Party and 2012 General Elections Port-Vila candidate.
IRENA bill is the legal mandate member states of IRENA, the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union and specialized regional intergovernmental institutions are seeking from the government of Vanuatu to fund and use the transfer of the most controversial advanced technologies of weather weapon of biological, chemical and massive destruction in the energy and mining industry in the small island developing state of Vanuatu as in the whole Pacific region.
Out of the six classified non-conventional renewable energy defined by IRENA, geothermal, wind, ocean, solar, hydro, and biomass, three of them (geothermal, wind and ocean) are recognized by SOPAC geoscientists as the most dangerous technologies that could impact the worse engineered disasters of humankind promoted to the public at large as a historic masquerade of two century-old man-made industrial climate change issue.
What is all about IRENA ? The official definition of “renewable energy” is all forms of energy made from renewable resources within a sustainable development perspective in order to meet tomorrow’s growing energy market demand as an alternative to fossil fuel energy which reserves are decreasing and a reduction of oil imports and carbon emissions.
There is nothing as such but the last humankind venture of gold rush in the ocean called offshore mining, deep sea mining or nearshore mining which needs both energy and water resources towards the Earth crust destruction and the end-time corporate climate change terrorism, disasters and genocides.
The last untouched resources in the name of offshore minerals (gold, copper, zinc, lead, silver, barium, nickel, cobalt, etc.) are formed by hydrothermal vents on plate tectonics ocean basins, plate boundaries, tectonic fractures and volcanic islands, which is to say, the most dangerous natural disaster risk prone zones on planet Earth.
1987 Geothermal Energy Act CAP 197 governs exploration for geothermal resources in Vanuatu. “Energy means… energy derived or derivable from within the ground or there under by natural heat, and includes all steam, water or other fluid and any mixture of all or any of them that has been heated by such energy”.
1987 Geothermal Energy Act CAP 197 regulates the exploitation of energy out of hot springs but also the extraction of “hot dry rocks”, which is to say, minerals (derivable from within the ground) heated by such hot springs. In other words, 1987 Geothermal Energy Act CAP 197 does not only authorize the production of energy but also the exploration for gold.
When 1986 Mines and Minerals Act CAP 190 governs exploration for mineral resources in principle, 1987 Geothermal Energy Act CAP 197 regulates the exploration of all minerals formed by hot springs including offshore hydrothermal vents.
The drilling technology for geothermal energy is “fracking”, just as for the oil, gas and mining industry, called enhanced geothermal system (EGS) which involves pumping fluids at pressure to create or enhance permeability and thereby create and maximize the transfer of heat from rock to injected water. EGS therefore intentionally aims to create shear failure in the target zone to facilitate heat transfer to non-naturally occurring water, which results in small earthquakes (World Bank definition).
When EGS is done on the most active tectonic, seismic and volcanic oceanic zone on Earth, which are tectonic fault zones and submarine volcanoes, small earthquakes can only become strong earthquakes of above M 7.0 that could trigger deadly tsunamis, hydrothermal and volcanic eruptions.
In Switzerland, in the city of Basel, a USD 60 million project to extract geothermal energy was suspended in 2006 after it generated earthquakes in the magnitude 3 range between December 2006 and January 2007. The project was permanently shut down in 2009 after a risk analysis concluded that more quakes could follow if the drilling continued. Geopower Basel had to pay a compensation liabilities for cracked walls and other damage on homes and structures near the project site.
According to the Department of Chemical Engineering and Center for Environmental Studies in the USA, it is vital to make environmental impact assessments a priori for vapor and liquid-dominated fields contain noncondensable gases, low molecular weight hydrocarbons with the inherent toxicity of trace heavy metals.
If the reinjection of the wastewater into the reservoir is not planned, then the land, environment and underground water are contaminated. Mercury vapor risk may be also problematical over fumarolic and volcanic regions contaminating air, injuring public health and self-destroying drilling/well equipment. Toxic gas emissions will continue and even increase if the geothermal plant is shutdown.
Isn’t it shocking when the newly established World Bank Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) which aims at regulating the Vanuatu energy industry in favor of the common public interest, has not even requested any Environmental Impact Assessment for the USD 120 million KUTH Energy Efate Geothermal Power and Island-Ring Grid Development Project and consulted the public at large for prior consent ?
The World Bank report clearly stipulates that exploration risk could provoke a volcanic eruption to be claimed by KUTh Energy as force majeure as simple as that when it is purely an industrial disaster risk.
Renewable energy subject to continual flows (solar, hydro, ocean wave and wind) could play a major role in the World Energy Road Map called the green market. Yet, two of them, in particular, the wind and ocean wave energy under IRENA statutes, do not respect neither the environment nor enhance sustainable development but could engineer devastative climate change impacts towards national to regional national disasters through storm surges, hurricane-risks, ocean acidification and sea-rise level.
Wind farm energy can impact local but also regional weather pattern called meteorology. Wind farms use windmill turbines to generate electricity by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy. All large wind turbines disrupt natural airflow to extract energy from wind. The wind's force is gathered by the long blades of the turbine, causing them to rotate (mechanical energy). This rotation starts a generator, which produces low-voltage electric energy.
According to environmental engineers, wind farm propellers create a lot of turbulence in their wake, mixing air up and down with effects that can be detected for miles. Wind turns the blades of the turbine around a rotor, which helps generate electricity the blades create a lot of turbulence in the wake. Air turbulences creates a warming climate raising temperatures by about 2 degrees Celsius for several hours and drying effect near the ground impacting drought, damaging agriculture and causing deforestation in the long run.
Worse, turbines while causing massive disruptions in air currents, could lead to changes in the strength, motion and timing of hurricanes over the entire Pacific Ocean. Discovery Channel News denounced as early as November 25, 2008 that : "Mega wind farms of the future could have a major impact on weather, clearing up cloudy skies and even steering storm systems, according to new research." "The total disturbance caused by turbines could be enough to steer storms."
The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) under UNDP has been spearheading the research and development strategy of the Energy and Mining Industry in Vanuatu and Pacific since the genesis. In Vanuatu, the private company UNELCO, a French GDF Suez subsidiary, operates a USD 8 million wind farm energy at Devil’s Point, 12 km West of Port-Vila on Efate island with the first turbine installed in July 2007 out of a total 11 wind turbines of 55 m high and a 32 m diameter of propulsion producing approximately 5,349 MW on an average of 6.4 m / s speed.
A second phase of 10 other wind towers is planned at White Sands area in South Efate with a total capacity of 4.4 MW.
The wind farm energy of UNELCO is funded by the European Investment Bank whereas all other wind towers projects throughout Vanuatu are also funded by the European Union-ACP Energy Facility and the Vanuatu Renewable Energy and Power Association (VANREPA). 3 wind towers of 600 W were installed at Futuna to support 400 people and 2 wind towers in Aneytium.
The government of Italy is funding the complementary installation of wind turbines in all 6 provinces in the following islands of Tanna, Tongoa, Malekula, Santo, Pentecost and Vanualava under the care of UNDP/SPREP/GEF and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Could UNELCO windmill farm be the maker of cyclone Vania formed above Port-Vila on 13 January 2011 heading south west towards Port-Vila, reversing north unexpectedly to hit TAFEA (Tanna and Erromango) and making Vanuatu under alert for 2-3 days ?
Again, could UNELCO windmill farm be the maker of cyclone Atu formed 65 km southwest Port-Vila on 23 February 2011 heading towards Port-Vila but changing track according to research wind direction to hit again TAFEA and in particular Futuna and Aneytium where wind towers were installed resulting an estimation of USD 11 million damage ?
These two hurricanes were of strong wind but were strangely moving very slow, which is not typical of tropical hurricanes characteristics.
Wave energy can be considered as a concentrated form of solar energy. Winds are generated by the differential heating of the earth. As winds pass over open bodies of water they transfer some of their energy to form waves (Southgate, 1987).
The size of waves depends on the speed of the wind, wind duration, and the distance of water over which the winds blow. When waves have reached a certain size, the wind can actually exert a stronger force on the upwind face of the wave causing additional wave growth. The process is maximized when the speeds of the wind and waves are equal.
Energy is transferred from the wind to the waves at each of these steps. Waves lying within or close to the areas where they are generated, “storm waves”, produce a complex, irregular sea. These waves will continue to travel in the direction of their formation even after the wind dies down. In deep water, waves lose energy only slowly (mainly by interacting with the atmosphere), so they can travel out of the storm areas with minimal loss of energy as regular, smooth waves or “swell”. These can persist at great distances from the point of origin.
In leading Europe, USA and the South Pacific, the mix wind and ocean wave energy technology is under research to maximize the production of energy for wind energy cannot be stored. Petroleum-based hydraulic fluids, toxins for antifouling paints, metals including lead and zinc which are used for ocean wave energy are the causal link for coastal erosion and the contamination of food web.
With experimental deep sea mining for more than a decade and commercial deep sea prospecting mining in Vanuatu since 2010, petroleum-based hydraulic chemicals have polluted the Exclusive Economic Zone of Vanuatu, the air but also the rain, which is to say the natural water cycle process called hydrosphere.
The mix wind and ocean wave energy accelerating the making of heavy rains contaminated by deep sea mining chemicals are likely the direct causal link of the sea rise level and sea acidification, negatively impacting the environment such as flooding, damage of roads with deep holes and damage of properties.
What could likely cause 75% of Vanuatu deaths related to non-communicable diseases but contaminated air, contaminated rain water and contaminated food by Vanuatu today’s illegal, immoral and criminal deep sea mining and renewable energy of the so-called green market promoted by the United Nations and the European Union to achieve officially a “sustainable world economy” of Agenda 21 of the first 1992 Earth Summit on one hand but to extract gold for the interests of the wealthiest elite of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on the other hand ?
The topic “technology transfer for innovation : Rio +20” of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil from 20-22 June 2012 is likely the worse ever political congress of humanity since the invasion of nephilims on Earth to launch and implement a depopulation strategy through a weather warfare with biological, chemical and massive destruction weapons.
Science has become evil. The Earth’s crust is raped. Greedy scientists, engineers, corporate capitalists and politicians have pushed the destruction button of the end world tragic scenario of the Earth worldwide. The IRENA Statutes ratification bill is to legally authorize donor partners to use their weather warfare technologies how deadly, how toxic, they could be, on behalf of the government of Vanuatu.
Will the government and the 9th Legislature of Parliament of Vanuatu sacrifice the people of Vanuatu as the 2012 WTO Passover lamb through the transfer of environmental sound technologies resulting a multi-chain risk of climate change disasters and corporate genocides covered by IRENA statutes for little unjust gain just six months before 2012 general elections ?
The financial gain for a funded short term electoral campaign is too a little bid to risk a beyond 2013 national ecocide of 250,000 people … unless life has no more meaning, no more value, for the 52 Christian members of parliament who all took parliamentary oath before God during their swearing-in in 2008, including theirs.
P.O Box 717, Himford Farea Building, Rue d’Artois, Numbatu, VANUATU
Mobile : (678) 77 51777 ; E-mail :