Daily life - About me & friends
'Til Summer Comes Around

December 23

This little blog is just a way of blowing off steam i guess. So what if nothing really all that interesting has happened so far this school year, It doesnt mean that nothing will. If there's one thing that I've learned about life is that it doesn't like staying the same for long.
Chrstmas break was probably one of the most wlcomed milestones this year. I ACTUALLY SURVIVED MY FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE! Please notice that survived is both in all caps and underlined. Survival was my one and only concern. Just being in charge of your own schedual to the point that absolutely no one tells you what to do can be a little overwheming. Especially when the roommate situation is more compilcated then it really has to be. So far Desi and I have had two other roommates and we are currently awaiting the arrival of the third. And before you say it, no we are not so horrible that we are chasing them off. We had nothing in common with Alyssa and Sam was told by her coach that she had to move in with a teammate. But I guess we'll see how it goes come January.

For now-

That's Desi, me, and our first roommate Alyssa on move in day. Notice the petrifed "we're in college" looks on our faces. That and the "mom and dad can you PLEASE leave now?"
December 24

Well it's Christmas Eve here and that means food. In about an hour my family and I will be headed over to my grandparents house for the traditional "Hot Meat Sandwhiched" that grandma spends all week preparing. I personally DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE liked them but that doesn't mean I get out of going every year. I guess it's just one of those "grin and bear it" moments your parents always tell you about.
I recently met a penpal from Ghana named Danny. He seems pretty cool. We've been talking back and forth all day. I think we're pretty much done for the day though seeing as he is 6 hours ahead of me so that makes it 10pm his time.
Well got to go get ready-
December 31

The new year is upon us. I cant really believe that 2011 is over. In one short year I've graduate from high school, started college, wrote my first book, and got my first car. This year has been terrifying to say the least. But would I ever trade it for anything, no. Though that doesnt mean that I would willingly re-do it. I cant wait to see what 2012 brings for me.

See ya next year-
January 24

Well, it's been a while hasn't it? I guess that just goes to show how crazy school is this semester. Classes are definitely harder but definitely more fun. Friday I am going to be a host at my school's annual Scholar's Weekend. It's our way of reaching out to the potential freshman of the next school year. My friend Liz is coming to it and then she is staying Saturday night with me, I can't wait.
My cousin, Doug -"Duckie" to close friends and family- shipped off to basic training today. He'll spend eight weeks in Chicago is the snow and ice while I will be down here in Florida in all the glorious sunshine. I'm really gonna miss him while he's gone though. We're the closest in age in the family and for that matter the most alike. We always get in so much trouble when we're together but it makes for some of the best memories. He's my best friend.

'Til Summer Comes Around (Daily life - About me & friends)    -    Author : Shelby - USA

1345 visitors since 2011-12-24
Last update : 2012-01-25

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