Countries of the World - Cooking
Thai Isaan Foods

"Thai Isaan food"
The Northeastern area of Thailand is known as Isaan Province. It is surrounded by Laos to the North and East, Cambodia to the South, and Thailand to the West.
Isaan is located on the Khorat Plateau with the great Mekong River bordering its Northern boundary. Around 21 million Thai’s are home to this territory,
which happens to be famous for its cuisine!

Family gatherings are a huge part of the Isaan culture and food is always present. Meals are often leisurely periods of time to enjoy eating Thai food and times to socialize while eating an array of dishes.
Sticky Rice is the staple and an abundant form of energy in Isaan.

Goong Ten (Dancing Shrimp)
is a traditional Isaan food that originates
from the region of Thailand along the Mekong River.
People in this region have an affair with things
that are prepared raw; Beef, pork, shrimp, fish,
and other protein meats that are cooked elsewhere
in the world can be found in their naturally squirming
or bloody form in Isaan.

Suea Rong Hai
Thai grill beef with tasty sauce called Jaew.
this classic grilled beef dish.

Pla Pao
The best ways to eat a whole fish
is by grilling it the Thai way,
known as pla pao (»ÅÒà¼Ò).
The fish is coated in a thick layer of salt,
slow roasted over charcoal,
and eaten with a garlicky spicy chili dipping sauce
known as sauce seafood.

Larb Moo
Thai larb made with minced pork
is one of the most popular
Thai streets foods
in Isaan cuisine.
It's a wonderful combination of minced pork,
lime juice, chili flakes, fish sauce,
and herbs to give it a refreshing touch.

Sticky Rice
First, what is sticky rice?
In Thai, sticky rice is called Khao Neow (¢éÒÇà˹ÕÂÇ), which literally means rice sticky.
Sticky rice is a type of rice that is extremely sticky –
in fact, when you pick it up with your fingers, it will stick to your fingers.
The grains are glutinous, like tiny little gummy worms (it’s not sweet of course,
but that’s the closest texture I can think of).

Tum Khao Poon
Thai spicy rice vermicelli salad recipe.

Som Tum (Green Papaya Salad)
Most Isaan dishes served with sticky rice
and are characterized by fiery chilies.

Tum Tang
spicy cucumber salad - Thai Isaan Food with some sticky rice.

spicy cucumber salad

Sup Nor Mai
(Bamboo Shoot Yum)

Thai Isaan Foods (Countries of the World - Cooking)    -    Author : Kanyanat S - Thailand

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Last update : 2018-08-30 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #31310

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