Society - Education, Schools
Hi! my name is Stephany, I'm a student and I want to practice my english skills

The name of my grandmother is Sara Hernandez Escobedo. She is short, brunette and old. she likes tacos, pozole and carnitas
The name of my grandfather is Salvador Becerril Olvera. He is tall, blonde and old. He likes garnachas, mole and farm animals
the name of my grandfather is Silverio Rico Malagon. He is brunette, short, and generous. He likes pizza, carnitas and animals.
The name of my grandmother is Ma. Reolanda Rosales Rodriguez. Shes is tall, blonde and friendly. She likes chicken soup, vegetables and make jokes.
The name of my Father is Jose Salomon Becerril Hernandez. He is short, intelligent and brunette. He likes tacos, nopales and TV series.
The name of my mother is Rosa Maria Rico Rosales. She is blonde, short and friendly. She likes tacos, barbacoa and pozole.
The name of my sister is Ximena Becerril Rico. She is short, burnette and funny. She likes pizza, ice cream and dogs.
My name is Stephany Becerril Rico. I'm short, blonde and thin. I like tacos, pizza, reading and dogs.

Hi! my name is Stephany, I'm a student and I want to practice my english skills (Society - Education, Schools)    -    Author : Stephany - Mexico

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Last update : 2016-09-03 >> Society >> Blog #29051

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