Daily life - Others
the way it goes !!!

Okay, let take you to 2011. it all started on the week i started secondary school, and i had a eating disorder, when i wouldn't eat anything except from soup and yogurts for five months. And it was christmas morning and i woke up, and took my sack down stairs, and i checked the time, and it was 6:30AM.
it became afternoon quite quikley, and i had christmas dinner and i was on my laptop, and all of a sudden i ate proper christmas dinner like there was nothing wrong with me.
it was a sad christmas because my dad was cheating on my mums friend the new niebour down the road and so we just got on like you have to with your life.

it was january and my dad walked out to move in with mell my mums friend and she only lived three doors down. anyway enough about back stabbing mell for a while.

i was really having a rough time at school because i was getting bullied because i was the smallest girl in the whole school.it was my birthday and my dad gave me a ipod touch and then didnt show up on my birthday for the rest of the day.Anyway lets skip to my second year at the school and everyone was having needles done so then you wont get cancer, but im so scared of needles i went home and was sick because i saw a needle. anyway when i got back to the school everyone called me a skyver and then i was teacher training day and i went out to town with four of my mates and then they ditched me and i ran home crying.

i went back two days later and the bullied me even more and mell was being nasty to me as well.
so i had a big brake down and dropped out of school and didnt come out of my bedroom for months. and i got diagnosed with depression and also panick attacks and angziaty attacks there horrible.
i feel like i cant breath and im in a black hole and im trapped im still in this position now.

okay, lets skip to April 2012 my dad and i had a big argument and i said its me or mell (ugley step mother) and it took him two weeks to decide and he finally dumped mell for his real family which is me, my brother and my sister and of course my mum.

now, its september and its been really nice and calm ive got dad back with me, and im not locking myself in the room allot. my little sister has just started secondary as im now in year 9 and im 13 years old.
its wiered because i feel all grown up even though ive got allot to live for yet.

me and my sister sarah and her best friend tia. i brought some cute tight top and a wooly vintage jumper and a gun toy for my brother stephen a toy gun.
he really liked and i gave him some extra money to get a big, talking moshi monster toy called katsuma.

the way it goes !!! (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : caron stacy - Great Britain

1076 visitors since 2012-09-27
Last update : 2012-09-28

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