Countries of the World - Wild life
This blog is about one of the main Rain Forests located in Sri Lanka. The Sinharaja Rain Forest.

Sinharaja Rainforest
-Sri Lanka-

Sinharaja Rainforest Reserve is a forest rich in biodiversity located in Sri Lanka. The reserves name translates in to "The Lion Kingdom'. It has been designated as a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage by the UNESCO.

Sinharaja is the country's last viable area of primary tropical forests. More than 60% of the plants and trees are endemic and considered rare. And small villages can be spotted near the border of the forest. These people are bound to protect the Sinharaja Forest.

The Sinharaja Reserve is 21 km from East to West, and a maximum of 7 km from North to South. But it is full of many endemic species including trees, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Currently, there are only two Elephants. The villagers say these two are male elephants. And that they come near the border of the forest when it's harvesting season. At other times they remain in the middle of the jungle, where there are no distractions. More about these these two Elephants, their bodies are elongated , tall and not wide. Their bodies are shaped according to the habitat where there are trees and not much space.

About 15 Leopards can also be seen inside the reserve. The most common larger mammal is the endemic purple faced Iangur, Also known as the black Monkey by Locals.
Birds move in mixed feeding flocks, invariably led by the fearless Sri Lanka Crested Drongo and the noisy orange- billed blabber.

As of Reptiles, the endemic green pit viper and hump-nosed vipers, and there's also a large variety of amphibians like tree frogs and Chameleons. You can obserev Chameleons of many sizes and variations. Most of them are green coloured ones with Cyan blue and orange mixed complexion.

This blog is about one of the main Rain Forests located in Sri Lanka. The Sinharaja Rain Forest. (Countries of the World - Wild life)    -    Author : Disara - Sri Lanka

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Last update : 2020-07-13 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #32389

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