Countries of the World - Others
=> SHA

I promised a lot of people that we would write a blog, so here it is. Hopefully we will be able to update it every week.

Lets start from the beginning (Wed.1st):
Niko and I live in the French Concession area in a cute lane house with two levels and a roof terrace.
I have never been to Shanghai but luckily Niko knows his way around the city and even FC.
I am very excited about spring because almost every street in FC is lined with trees. There are many good restaurants of almost every cuisine and even the Paulaner Beer garden is around the corner, lets see when we will end up there. Loads of shops and little cafes, and less busy than the other parts of Shanghai.
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On friday we went to pick up the new member of our little family: the white cat named struppi after the dog from rintintin (german name for the dog). He certainly doesn`t look like a dog but behaves like one sometimes, like following us step by step. He like sucking on our thumbs, like trying to drink milk from his mothers dug. He is the cutest little cat and we immediately fell in love.

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On saturday we decided to buy the basics at IKEA and Niko said: "I mean you know how busy and Ikea is on saturdays". Well he was wrong-No german would survive this-they would run off. It was like they gave things away for free. And I think, some young couples had their date there still, without buying anything-crazy!
Well we forgot to buy a few things, I will try to go back once more, but certainly not on a saturday.

I think over all it was a good start for me in SHA and I hope it stays that way.

=> SHA (Countries of the World - Others)    -    Author : Mine - China

1791 visitors since 2012-02-05
Last update : 2012-02-07 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #19882

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