Daily life - Others

Welcome into my head, my thoughts, my feelings & my heart.

The Gossip Girl of my own life.
Fake names, true stories
Find who you are

You'll be addicted.


" I'm not anyone, I'm me."

"Well I'm sorry I'm not who you thought I was, but what's happened is in the past, and all I can do is try to change. If you can't accept that, then you're not who I thought you were."

"Haven't you heard? I'm the crazy bitch around here"

"Usually I have a "never say never" policy, but for you I'll make an exception."

"ça fait tellement de bien de dire du mal"

Vous m'adorez, ne dites pas le contraire ;)
It's all about finding who you are & where you fit it.

Spotted : Lonely girl starting a new end, right now.
"It's a new day, it's a new life, it's a new dawn.. "

Well we all heard about that song "Feeling Good" , it's resuming a part of everyone's life. & anounces a wish of starting something new.

That's what I do today, starting to write my oh so brand new website's 1rst article. (wooah dream big.)
I don't think i'll ever get visitors.. It's for myself anyway.. setting memories in stone, write down what i feel at the moment, why etc...

so.. It's 5:14am right now & i'm starting to write. I can't help myself being insomniatic. awesome, i'll probably see the sun rise. (look for irony) I was just wondering about life's existential questions like : why people always choose apples instead of pears ? really who knows that huh ?! (& who cares anyway..) when the idea of a blog came in mind interrupting any sleeping temptation! Crap.

C.V.A (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : S.T - USA

1448 visitors since 2010-08-12
Last update : 2011-07-24

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