Society - Current events
The BLOG. for Woodcreek seawolves

This is a blog for the Woodcreek Seawolves swim team. have fun and swim fast. Bye,
i love cupcakes
Hello. Swim season will start in MAY!!!!!!!! cant wait to see you guys

The "Crazy kid"?
David Brook aka the "crazy kid" was first seen at the Barracudas swim meet. Ever since everyone was excited to meet him at Com stock Champs. So at Champs Ashley, Selena, and Shane (9-10 swimmers) hung out with him and found out he is actually nice. So he wanted to be called Nacho but they call him mucho.

See you later alligator,
i love cupcakes
p.s. a picture from Barracudas swim meet
The Elk grove Swim meet

At the swim meet there were two relays and many events. The announcer was really competitive and said that a box of woodcreek is a box of shame. And after our team cheer she said "BOO SEAWOLVES". But anyway GO SEAWOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

See you later for more,
i love cupcakes
The crazy kids best friend and more of the crazy kid.
Ever since the Barracudas swim meet David brooks aka "the crazy kid" was rapidly talked about in Woodcreek Seawolves Swim team (age group 9-10) by boys and girls. At movie night on July 14, 2011, rumors spread that he was supposed to come. But sadly that rumor was just a rumor he never showed up. but some kids say that he came but got kicked out because he was not on the swim team. Others believe that his friend on the team Brandon Walker invited him but Brandon didn't even come. Jacob declared that at comstock champs he will go talk to to David and that he knows David. But later on Ashley,Selena,and Shane found out he was lying and he did not even know him. Andrew (from boys 9-10),was said to be David's best friend but he didn't even know David. So his nickname was taken away. But a few still call him that. Raven M. (from 13-14), is a older friend of Ashley, Shane, and Selena says he knew David and was on his relay team a long time ago.

See you later,
i love cupcakes

Pizza Party at the RAC in Spring 2012 before next season starts!!!!
There will be an awesome pizza party before next season begins. You can hang out with your friends, play, and eat pizza. See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to Woodcreek for more info.
Bye for now,
i love cupcakes
ps.that is not the RAC.
p.p.s i will post pics of the RAC and swimming when I download them from the camera.

Barracudas swim meet photo's

picture of the RAC

Go Woodcreek Seawolves!!! From Roseville, CA. We got 3rd place in Meet of champs. Picture of the champions from our awesome team. Our team is OK!!!
What is so weird is that I REALLY miss the swimming season. I want it to start SO much because it is lonely with out all the fun and exciting things we do!!!!!

The BLOG. for Woodcreek seawolves (Society - Current events)    -    Author : Ashley - USA

1839 visitors since 2011-08-16
Last update : 2011-09-06 >> Society >> Blog #18675

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