Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction
Sailor Moon!!!!!!!

I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!....Welcome to The Sailor Moon Blog

Sailor Neptune

Sailor Uranus

Sailor Mercury (My second fav character)

Sailor Saturn (MY FAV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Sailor Chibi Moon

The main Character: Sailor Moon!!!

Sailor Jupiter (I love green)

Sailor Mars

Sailor Venus (I like her alot too)

Sailor Pluto

Note: I am probably-Maybe not going to introduce ALL the characters, ok?

I wish there was a Sailor Sun. There should be in the show.

She is my third fav character

Sailor Saturn!!!YAY!! ok now I'll stop. ^^"

If you like Sailor Moon vids, Go to and search Sailor moon-Love love shine.

Sailor Moon!!!!!!! (Cinema, tv - Fantasy, Fiction)    -    Author : Lauren - USA

528976 visitors since 2006-12-15
Last update : 2006-12-18 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #1127

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