Daily life - About me & friends
Me and my buddies! hi my name is sahar and i have a very unsual friendship history.....

Hi my name is Sahar and this is my FIRST blog and I am so excited to have a pen pal...

So my topic today friendship... i have my best friend Mariyah she is bubbly,fantastic an has all the qualities for a best friend. she is only new to our school so our friendship is only a few days old.(litrally!) shall i tell you how it all started? of course i can.. so it was a tuesday i think and she came in to the classroom very very shy and the teacher introduced her to the class then blah blah blah lets zoom to break time i got to know her and she got to know me and BOOM! were friends thats the story of me and mariyah.

Now lets talk about my bff thats been with me for like forever her name is Rabia, Rabia has been with me since we were babies because of my mum and her mum we have never broken up so for 8 and a half years we have been friends we talk t each everyday. i will never forget her she has been with me when i needed her and i have been there too.

so if you ever have a fall out with someone don't do anything it will worsen the situation don't get anyone else envovled. if you weren't meant to be then set them free and if you were meant to be they will come back to you.

Me and my buddies! hi my name is sahar and i have a very unsual friendship history..... (Daily life - About me & friends)    -    Author : sahar - Great Britain

1154 visitors since 2013-11-05
Last update : 2013-11-05

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