Cinema, tv - Others
Harry Potter

Hello I am Ramodya.I'm from Sri Lanka & 13 years old.I am loving toooooo for Harry Potter movies.

Emma Watson

Daniel Radcliffe

Rupert Grint

As Hermione Granger

As Harry Potter

As Ron Weasley

Cho Chang(Katie Leung)

Ginny Weasley(Bonnie Wright)

Luna Lovegood(Evanna Lynch)

Fleur Delacour(Clemence Poesy)

Padma Patil(Afshan Azad)

Parvati Patil(Shefail Chowdhary)

Harry Potter (Cinema, tv - Others)    -    Author : Ramodya - Sri Lanka

13099 visitors since 2009-08-05
Last update : 2009-08-05 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #12480

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