Hobbies - Games


In the world the most popular game is pubg.There around 200 million players in battlegrounds and 30 million are daily active. This very very very very popular game in the world but do you know the story of Pubg game
Deathmatch island battle royal concept came from a Japanese movie called Hunger Games. In many years it doesn't release to other contries. It has been popular in Japan. After it releases to other countires.It has been popular in the world.
The movie is about 42 children. They are kidnapped putting into an island and said to fight each other. At last, if anyone lives he or she is the winner.A
fter watching is the movie people want to get this experience lively so is the game is a good answer for that.

Pubg created by Brendan Greene. He is not a game developer. He is an Irish photographer and web designer. He wants to make his own game with the royal battle concept and play it. He made his first game using his graphic experience.' Arma' .Later he made 'DAYZ'.It is mod of Arma

Pubg creator Bredan Greene

Berdan greene first game Arma

DAYZ -mod of Arma game
DAYZ is the turning point of creating the Pubg game. After designing the DAYZ Berden Greene was joined by sony online entertainment company as a consultant. They also want to create a game type of DAYZ.During working in sony entertainment company . He made a game called H1Z1 king of the killer. But he doesn't work many years in that company. He feels he can't go to his aim when working with this company.

This is the Sony entertainment company.

H1Z1 King of the kill -the made by Brenden Greene during working in Sony entertainment company
After he went to Korea. He met a special friend called Chang Han Kim in korea. He is a game developer. He also wants to create a game type of royal battle. He tells that idea come him after playing the DAYZ game. Breden Greene was joined by Chang Ham to the blue hole company as a creative designer.

Chang Ham Kim with his friend Benden Greene.

Chang Han Kim
Brenden Greene and Chang Hang design the Pubg game on the 23rd of March in 2017. In that game, there is one mode, one map, and a few weapons only. firstly they gave this game is free. After they sell it for 20 dollars. The players are very happy because they don't want to spend too much money to get this experience.
After they add many guns, vehicles, maps, and mods. The Pubg game break record of 'Dota 2' and the most popular game 'league of legends" lost their popularity because of the Pubg game. In four months they earn 10 million dollars. Now the Pubg creator Brenden Greene's salary is 400-500 dollars million.

Dota 2

League of legends
Thank you for watching this. I hope you are enjoyed.
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PUBG (Hobbies - Games)    -    Author : Meththa - Sri Lanka

963 visitors since 2020-05-29
Last update : 2020-06-18

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