Hobbies - Others

Hello I am "Preston" The host. Please enjoy this vast site. Hope to blog limitless this about games, "anime", TV and such. Just so you know this is my current signature.
Hello. I am not developing the forum soon please wait. AAMF, Im not making one at all. *)
Ok this are just a few games I'd recommend. ill give you a few links. Eh.. cartoon network
This is a favorite of all time WOW :) AQ Battle on!!!
Another one... hehe think i got band for hacking DF I think wow is better but anyway .. wiz101 Its obviously fun! And no its not "Run escape" dang' it! N-A! S-A!
[picture not found]

Here is a story. "One day a boy went to the super market to pick up some food for his family. Bob said I do not want to go to the store mommy. His mother responded “Oh well that’s too bad isn’t it? However, you had better do exactly as I say or else okay.” “What ever.” The boy said angrily under his breath. Therefore, he walked down to the store with a steaming beet red face. He came back. Instead of getting nourishing food, he bought candy and he ate it all without sharing. However, of course he got sick and learned his lessons."

Ask yourself this and answer like this : What are the morals of this storey? One: Do not do mean and selfish things to drown out your anger. Two: Always respect your mom and or dad and or guardian or guardians. Three: you might do things angrily that will result in hurting yourself or others. Four: Do not eat too mush candy or other sweet thing at once or it may result in giving you a sickness and or disease.

Preston's.pyro-pack (Hobbies - Others)    -    Author : Preston - USA

1781 visitors since 2009-04-07
Last update : 2011-07-29

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